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Here is a great fat busting work out which will ensure you can knock out the fat!
The workout will consist of 5×3 minute rounds with a minute’s rest in between which means you should be able to perform the workout within 20mins. The workouts are best performed in pairs, one holding the pads and the other throwing the punches, you can then swap over each round so you both get a try at the exercises.
Round One will be pyramids. We're using this almost like a warm up round for the much harder work ahead.
Pyramid 2 punches up to 20. And then back down to 2 again. Use a one two(jab, cross) so the sequence will be 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 20 and then working all the way down back to 2.
In the 1st minute you will be performing the jab and the cross. At the start of the 2nd minute you will add in 10 uppercuts, so jab, cross, jab, cross and then 10 uppercuts. At the start of the 3rd minute we will then add on 10 straight punches on top of our existing combinations so jab, cross, jab, cross, 10 uppercuts, 10 straight punches(jab, cross again)
Throw 10 straight punches(jab,cross) and then perform 4 alternate lunges with each leg – both boxer and pad holder should perform the alternate leg lunges together. Continue this for 3 minutes
10 seconds straight punches(jab, cross) 20 seconds planche
10 seconds uppercuts 20 seconds Ab crunches
10 seconds high punching(jab and cross above shoulder level) 20 seconds alternate Toe Touches
Continue this for 3 minutes
10 seconds punching(any combo such as hooks, uppercuts, straights) followed by 10 second sprints. Continue in these intervals for 3minutes
Still want more? Try Round One again except this time add in push ups in between the punching pyramids(use the jab and cross as the punches). Both Boxer and pad holder should perform the push ups. So here's how it is done...
2 punches 1 push up
4 punches 2 push ups
6 punches 3 push ups
8 punches 4 push ups
10 punches 5 push ups
12 punches 6 push ups
14 punches 7 push ups
16 punches 8 push ups
18 punches 9 push ups
20 punches 10 push ups
To add another layer of intensity, you can go back down to 2 punches and 1 push up from 20 punches and 10 push ups. So immediately do the above routine and once completed work back in reverse.
This round is great because the push ups can be replaced with almost any exercise. Want to switch it up? try burpees or sit ups instead of the push ups!
Copyright 2017, Fayz Fitness.
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