Old School Coach Billy Briscoe joins the Fayz Boxcast


Billy Briscoe

It was an absolute treat to have Billy Briscoe join me to discuss his career in Boxing. Billy Briscoe is one of the smartest minds in the world of Boxing today and it was fascinating listening to his insights about the sport.

Billy cuts a quiet figure, he is happy to sit in the background and letting his fighters grab the limelight(among them have been a true warrior of the ring, Gabe Rosado) but he is a wealth of knowledge and I could listen to him revisit his stories from the past all day(so much so I invited Billy back for another interview!)

Billy Briscoe is an old school coach despite being relatively young himself. He got his start early in Boxing but he was unable to chase a career inside the ring as a fighter due to his eyesight. It was destiny but the coach at the gym was none other than Wesley Mouzon – Mouzon was a fighter in the 1940’s who himself had to halt his pro career due to a eye injury and he took the young Billy under his wing, teaching him everything he needed to know to be successful in the corner, which meant by the age of just 15 Billy was already training professional boxers!

In the interview we discuss the more than 30 years coaching career of Billy Briscoe, his mentor the late Wesley Mouzon, Billy also provides lots of gold nuggets which will help every fighter and coach instantly improve their game and we also discuss his son who is an up and coming pro fighter.

About the author 


Boxing Coach
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Boxing Author of:

The Boxing Cheat Sheet - Your Ultimate Guide to Ring Survival

Strength and Conditioning for Boxing - Work out Hits to get you Fighting Fit!

Forgotten Legends of the Ring - Ten Past Masters of the Squared Circle

*Any videos or images used on this site to support my articles that are copyrighted are used for educational purposes and in accordance to the fair use act and are not my own - all credit is due to the respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.


billy briscoe, fayz boxcast, old school boxing, old school boxing coach, wesley mouzon

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