Special Offer - Fayz ABC Watford Boxing Club

Unleash Your Inner Nicola Adams and Get Fit Faster with Watford's Number 1 Girls Only Fitness Class

Learn The Art of Boxing and Get Fit Faster with Watford’s Number 1 Boxing Coach

Boxfit is the perfect workout for getting fit. It’s fat burning, and cardio fitness rolled into one, fun filled calorie burning session

Boxing is the perfect workout for getting fit. It’s fat burning, and cardio fitness rolled into one pedal-to-the-metal, balls-to-the-wall workout.

This month I’m giving 20 Ladies in Watford the opportunity to claim try out our 10am Boxfit Exercise Classes for Free.

This is a low impact, high intensity class based on all the fitness principles of boxing. This fitness class is excellent for weight loss and muscle toning. We'll teach you to hit the focus pads, bob and weave and punch your way to fitness.

Our Girls Only Boxfit Includes:

Boxing and Skipping drills designed to increase the heart rate and warm up all your joints and muscles as well as circuit style exercises.

Shadow boxing and boxing pad skills (and no we won't actually be hitting each other before you ask)

Master the basics of Boxing including how to increase your punching power while at the same time boosting your fitness and footwork and managing your stress levels.

© 2018 Fay Fitness Watford. Telephone 07887522475